Presentation Andrea Huber




Presentations - Presentations 314DT81

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Presentations 314DT81

Countering Trafficking in Human Beings:
Enhancing Cooperation in the Law Enforcement Sector

Vienna, Austria - 11-12 September 2014

Video Presentations

Sr Dr Lea Ackermann

Sr Dr Lea Ackermann:
The role of support services and contact points in assisting victims and police work
Alan Clark

Alan Clark:
The National Referral Mechanism (NRM) and moving towards a transnational system: identifying THB victims and ensuring appropriate protection and support
Francesco de Lellis

Francesco de Lellis:
Tracing, Seizure, Freezing and confiscation of criminal assets and mutual recognition of confiscation orders: International Rules and Italian Experience
Anniina Jokinen

Anniina Jokinen:
Internet as a recruitment tool and how to counter it – labour trafficking as an example
Malgorzata Kozlowska

Malgorzata Kozlowska:
The need for effective cooperation between police and judicial authorities to trace perpetrators and protect victims
Enrico Ragaglia

Enrico Ragaglia:
ICMPD’s Competence Centre for Trafficking in Human Beings – Countering THB and assisting in enhancing law enforcement work in the field
Simona Schreier

Simona Schreier:
UN standards and the work of UNODC in countering THB and training law enforcement authorities
Gerald Tatzgern

Gerald Tatzgern:
Tools and means in investigation cases of THB and pursuing its perpetrators
Dr Elisabeth Tichy-Fisslberger

Dr Elisabeth Tichy-Fisslberger:
Countering Trafficking in Human Beings - Definition
Dr Elisabeth Tichy-FisslbergerGerald Tatzgern

Dr Elisabeth Tichy-Fisslberger and Gerald Tatzgern:
Countering Trafficking in Human Beings – Domestic Work
Countering Trafficking in Human Beings - Forced Begging in Austria - Human Trafficking?
Anila Trimi

Anila Trimi:
The situation in Albania in relation to THB, law enforcement work and countering an outflow of victims
Nicolae Ungureanu

Nicolae Ungureanu:
Police role in fighting THB - Interviewing victims and giving them support
Duco van Heel

Duco van Heel:
Frontex and THB



Speaker’s Contributions